Could your choice of profession, place of residence, marital status and education level be indicators of your risk of getting into a car accident? According to insurance industry statistics, there is a clear relationship between the likelihood of a car accident and certain personal characteristics.
The information that follows is based on the prices that insurance companies charge based on different personal characteristics.
Here’s how a few common characteristics could affect your accident risks
Lawmakers have considered drafting laws that stop insurance companies from charging higher premiums to people based on different personal characteristics, but currently, they’re allowed to do so. Depending on which of the following high- and low-risk characteristics apply to you, this information could inspire you to adjust your driving habits:
Choice of profession: Professions that seem like they would employ risk-takers, like stockbrokers, end up having higher insurance premiums. Meanwhile, scientists, who are viewed as less risk-taking by insurance companies benefit from lower insurance premiums.
Place of residence: Generally, rural drivers have a higher chance of getting into a crash because people drive faster in rural areas and the roads are in poorer condition. Nevertheless, the vast majority of collisions (80 percent of them) happen in urban areas. Urban drivers, therefore, pay more in car insurance that rural drivers.
Education level: The education level can affect someone’s car accident risks. People who have a GED tend to pay approximately $500 more annually in car insurance premiums than people with PhDs.
Marital status: Drivers who are married benefit from a dramatic reduction in their insurance premiums. In fact, studies support the idea that married drivers have a 50 percent lower chance of getting into a crash.
Do you think the insurance companies are right?
Check in with your driving habits and decide for yourself. Are you employed in a high-risk career, and do you take risks on the road by driving through yellow lights, tailgating, speeding and texting while driving? If you are one of the risk takers on the road — regardless of your profession — consider driving safer and you might avoid being involved in a fatal or injurious car crash.