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Construction Accidents and Deaths Lead to Potential New Laws


New York City seems plagued with terrible, fatal construction accidents in recent years. Both 2015 and 2016 saw an average of more than one fatality each month. The rate of accidents has caused concerns among politicians and union representatives. Now, city officials are considering a package of more than twenty new laws aimed at reducing accidents and improving safety for construction workers in New York.

Those who have lost a loved one to a construction accident should speak with an attorney. While these changes may prevent some future accidents, they won’t do anything to curtail the losses you’ve experienced due to a construction site accident.

Construction workers ‘falling out of the sky’

The New York City Council is giving this issue very careful consideration. Council Member Rafael Espinal has cited at least 464 fatalities in the last ten years. He claimed to those gathered to consider these new laws that construction “workers have been falling out of the sky at alarming rates.” Many of these deaths may have been preventable, if shorter buildings had requirements under worker safety laws that were similar to the requirements for the tallest buildings in New York City.

Safety measures could prevent some fatal accidents

Requiring special training, carefully maintained equipment and additional safety measures could protect those who work construction jobs. While some construction accidents are a result of clumsiness, many are the result of negligence or inadequate safety measures. Many times, the discovery of employers’ negligence and liability comes only after a serious injury or fatality at their work site.

Often, it is only when grieving families or an injured worker pushes for an investigation that safety issues on construction sites are found and addressed. If someone you love was recently injured or killed in New York City in a construction site accident, you need to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation and personal injury attorney. Your attorney can review the details of the accident and advise you on the best way to move forward.

An experienced attorney can help your family after a construction accident

In addition to the emotional damage losing a loved one can cause, there are other consequences to a serious construction accident. Often, the injured party was the primary or sole wage earner for their family. They may not have the insurance or the financial resources to provide for the kind of care required during recovery from a serious accident.

An attorney can advise you about an offered settlement, and can negotiate with insurers on your behalf. Your attorney can also determine if your situation warrants a civil lawsuit.
