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How Does Social Media Impact a Claim?

Hand holds a smartphone over a laptop in a brightly lit room with social media heart "likes" coming up in the frame from the phone

Every single day, people spend hours on social media sites, posting statuses and photos about their lives. While it’s perfectly fine to use social media, some aspects of your usage can damage a car accident claim if you post certain things after a crash.

While you may not be able to completely stay off social media, just know there are things you can post that may negatively impact your car accident claim. Here’s what you need to know about social media and its impact on your case.

Deleting Items Can Be Dangerous

If you delete certain posts or photos relating to pre-existing injuries you may have or your current case, it may be considered destroying evidence. This action can result in your own social media page being used against you, impacting how much you can recover, if anything at all.

Posting Photos of Activities

Even if you are posting older photos of an activity you did, insurance adjusters may be quick to use it against you. Suppose you suffered an injury in the crash. In that case, you don’t want to post photos of you doing something that undermines your damages, such as exercises, recreational activities, outdoor activities, etc.

Assuming Your Profile Is Private

Just because you make your social media profile private doesn’t mean insurance adjusters won’t see what you’re posting. Don’t think that your settings should allow you to post whatever you want after an accident. Unfortunately, insurance adjusters utilize numerous resources to access your profiles (including subpoenas and investigators), and what you post can damage your claim.

Our New York car accident lawyers always encourage you to be careful whenever you post to social media after an accident. At The Paris Law Group, PC, we want to protect your rights, and you can help build a strong case by avoiding social media and keeping your best interests in mind.

Call our firm today at (888) 365-4940 for a free consultation.
