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The Different Types of Paralysis

person in a wheelchair symbolizing paralysis

Understanding the Four Types of Paralysis

Paralysis is one of the most devastating injuries you may experience because it significantly limits your mobility. The spinal cord is a collection of nerves that controls numerous sections of the body. Severe injuries can impact various limbs differently. Paralysis comes in different levels and types.

What Are the Different Levels of Paralysis?

The different levels of paralysis are:

  • Generalized or Localized
  • Partial or Complete
  • Temporary or Permanent

What Are the Four Types of Paralysis?

The different types of paralysis are:

  • Monoplegia - This affects only one arm or leg
  • Hemiplegia- This affects one arm and one leg on the same side of your body
  • Paraplegia - This affects both of your legs
  • Quadriplegia/Tetraplegia - This affects both of your arms and both of your leg

Below, our paralysis injury lawyers will detail the four types of paralysis that you need to know about and your rights.


Monoplegia means you have lost all function in one limb. For instance, monoplegia may only impact your left leg. In these situations, you will retain function in your other limbs.


Hemiplegia impacts only half of your body. You may lose function in your arm and leg, but only on one side of your body (e.g., your right arm and right leg). You might require specialized medical equipment to do your basic daily tasks if you have hemiplegia.


When someone suffers from paraplegia, they experience function loss in their lower limbs. Paraplegia typically occurs after an injury to the thoracic spine or lower. You may not be able to move below the location of the injury.


The worst of the paralysis types is quadriplegia. This impacts all four limbs from the neck and shoulders below. You might not be able to use either arms or legs.

It’s vital to note that quadriplegia, and all those above, can be complete or incomplete. The severity of the injury often determines which classification you may be diagnosed with.

How The Paris Law Group, PC Can Help You

Our New York personal injury lawyers at The Paris Law Group, PC work to help you understand your options should someone’s negligence cause your paralysis.

If you need someone on your side to seek maximum compensation for your damages, we’re here. Our team goes above and beyond on your behalf. Let us be your advocates, and you can feel confident knowing we’ve got the experience necessary to fight for you.

Contact our legal team at (888) 365-4940 today for your free case review.
