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Proudly Serving Injured Clients Throughout New York
Distracted Driving Accidents

New York Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

Fighting For Distracted Driving Accident Victims in New York

Distracted driving is a huge concern for everyone on the road. Despite laws against it, drivers routinely use mobile devices, such as cellphones, GPS systems, and tablet computers, while at the wheel. During traffic jams, drivers sitting for long periods may be able to access such devices with little risk involved. However, when traffic is moving, a driver must give full attention to his or her surroundings, including stop signs and red lights, curves in the road, and the movements of other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists, to name a few potential hazards.

If you’ve been injured due to a careless or distracted driver, our New York distracted driving lawyer at The Paris Law Group, PC can look into your case. We understand how to investigate distracted driving claims in order to determine exactly what happened and who is at fault.

Contact our team online or schedule a free initial consultation by calling our New York distracted driving accident attorney at (888) 365-4940 today. Se habla español.

What is Considered Distracted Driving?

While some may be aware of the dangers of texting behind the wheel, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving is “any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving.”

Distractions can be classified as either visual, manual or cognitive and include:

  • All cellphone use while driving
  • Disciplining children while driving
  • Interacting with other passengers
  • Grooming oneself (doing hair or make-up)
  • Reading
  • Checking maps
  • Operating navigation systems
  • Watching videos
  • Adjusting CDs or radio stations
  • Adjusting temperature settings inside a vehicle
  • Smoking
  • Eating and drinking

Types of Distractions While Driving

Visual Distractions

Visual distractions occur when drivers’ eyes leave the road as they attempt another task. One example is spilling a coffee while driving, so they glance down at the damage and run off the road.

Manual Distractions

Manual distractions involve drivers’ hands being off the wheel as they do something like change a radio station or dig around in a purse.

Cognitive Distractions

Cognitive distractions occur when drivers stop concentrating on driving because their minds are occupied elsewhere. It could be something like thinking about a fight with a spouse or parent or what to cook for dinner, but driving is no longer paramount.

Texting While Driving

Texting is particularly egregious because it involves the entire trio of distraction simultaneously. This is why texting has such a bad reputation: it always involves all three types of distraction, all at once. Researchers at the University of Utah discovered that conversing on a cellphone increases the risk of an accident by four times, similar to the rates of accidents by drunk drivers. For those texting, the rate jumps to eight times the risk.

The average sent or received text distracts drivers for approximately five seconds. When traveling at highway speeds, that time represents distances of around 300 feet wherein the car essentially driving itself. If you have been injured or lost a loved on to a distracted driver, a New York City distracted driving accident attorney may be able to get you compensation through the courts.

Common Injuries in Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving is considered a leading cause of accidents on New York roads, and the consequences can be severe. Common injuries stemming from distracted driving accidents include:

  • Whiplash and Neck Injuries: The sudden impact of a distracted driving collision can cause whiplash, resulting in neck pain and stiffness.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): Head injuries are common in car accidents, especially those involving distracted driving. TBIs could range from mild concussions to severe brain trauma, leading to long-term cognitive impairment.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: The force of a distracted driving crash can damage the spinal cord, leading to paralysis or loss of sensation under the injury site.
  • Broken Bones: Victims may suffer fractures to the arms, legs, ribs, or pelvis.
  • Internal Injuries: Blunt force trauma from a distracted driving accident can cause internal injuries like organ damage, internal bleeding, or ruptured organs.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Muscle strains, sprains, and other soft tissue injuries are often very common in car accidents and can cause considerable pain and discomfort.

These injuries can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial consequences for victims and their families. We understand the challenges you may be facing after a distracted driving accident, and we are here to help you seek justice.

Seeking Damages in Distracted Driving Cases

Unfortunately, because distracted drivers are often unable to slow down or stop in time to avoid an accident, distracted driving collisions are frequently catastrophic. Those involved tend to sustain severe, life-altering injuries which can—and often do—have an immense impact on nearly every aspect of the victim’s life. The cost of treating these injuries can be exorbitant, often costing victims and their families hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars over the course of their lifetimes.

At The Paris Law Group, PC, we fight to recover compensation for victims of distracted driving accidents. Our New York distracted driving lawyer works with a team of accident reconstructionists, medical experts, and other professionals in order to create a clear, comprehensive picture of your losses. From there, he fights tirelessly for the maximum compensation you are owed.

Our team can help you seek compensation for the following damages:

  • Emergency medical care costs
  • Ambulance fees
  • Emergency room and hospital fees
  • Surgeries and other treatments
  • Ongoing medical care
  • Future medical care costs
  • Medications
  • Medical equipment and devices
  • Modifications to your home
  • Lost income/wages
  • Lost future earnings
  • Disability/lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma, anxiety, depression, etc.
  • Counseling services

Every case is different, so the exact damages in your case will depend on the specific factors involved. Our team can help you understand your legal rights and options during a free initial consultation.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Distracted Driving Accident Claims in New York?

In the state of New York, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit after a distracted driving accident is normally three years from the accident date. However, it's crucial to take action as soon as possible after your accident to preserve evidence and protect your rights.

Failing to file a lawsuit within the statute of limitations can result in your case being dismissed, dissuading you from recovering the compensation you deserve. In addition, evidence such as witness statements, police reports, and medical records may become more difficult to obtain as time passes.

How We Investigate Distracted Driving Claims

If you were injured in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident, part of a thorough investigation should include a review of any evidence that a driver was distracted while texting, changing radio stations, engaging in heated discussions with passengers, etc. We can subpoena cell phone records, interview eyewitnesses, and review police reports in search of likely causes. If we uncover evidence of distracted driving, we are prepared to use this information as we prepare compelling arguments on your behalf.

Time and again, we have successfully recovered substantial compensation for clients who were injured because of distracted driving. We have represented drivers, passengers, passengers in a car with a distracted driver at the wheel, pedestrians, and bicyclists. We are prepared to use our skills on behalf of the seriously injured, regardless of the circumstances of your accident.

Contact Our Distracted Driving Accident Attorney in New York Today

A skilled and experienced New York distracted driving attorney, Jason Paris is a member of the Board of Directors for the New York State Trial Lawyers Association. He has also been selected by his peers for inclusion in the Super Lawyers® list and has successfully secured millions of dollars for his clients.

Contact The Paris Law Group, PC online or call our office at (888) 365-4940 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Our Clients Always Come First

Hear From Our Past Clients
  • “I am extremely happy I made the choice to choose you, since I saw the dedication and effort you put in the case. I know it was a long and tedious process, but you managed it very well to win. Thank you one more time for everything Mr. Jason.”

    - Alfredo O.
  • “Jason guided me through the process with effortless expertise. His preparation was precise and methodical, and his execution in the courtroom was impressive.”

    - Jessica E.
  • “I had never felt more lonely or defeated than I did after my injury. Getting injured because of someone else's negligence can feel outrageous. No one wants to get hurt, but if you do trust me that you want Jason Paris and his staff on your side.”

    - Jill V.

Small Firm. Big Numbers.

Millions of Dollars Recovered for Our Clients and Counting
  • Bus Accident $2.1 MILLION
  • Bus Accident $2.1 Million

    A mediated settlement was reached on the eve of trial on behalf of the client who was a driver of a motor vehicle which was struck in the rear by a bus.

  • Car Accident $1.7 Million

    The client was an ambulance driver responding to an emergency call. While in the process of making a left-hand turn with the ambulance lights and sirens in operation, he was struck by a vehicle going straight.

  • Bus Accident $1.5 MILLION
  • Car Accident $1.3 MILLION
  • Car Accident $1.25 Million

    Through aggressive litigation, full policy limits in the amount of $1.25 million were tendered within 14 months of the accident for the injured passenger in a motor vehicle accident. The client was a rear-seat passenger in a motor vehicle that was pulled over on the shoulder of the Staten Island Expressway when it was rear-ended by the defendant in the early morning hours.

  • Back Injury $900,000

    A settlement was reached during trial for the client who was struck in the rear while operating his vehicle. As a result of this impact, the client sustained a herniated disk in the lower back, which required surgical removal.

  • Two-Car Intersection Collision $470,000

    Plaintiff was a back-seat passenger in a two-car intersection collision. As a result of the accident, plaintiff fractured five ribs that healed properly after five weeks with no residual effects. After trial, a jury awarded plaintiff $470,000 for past pain and suffering.

  • Rear-End Accident $400,000

    This client was injured in a rear-end motor vehicle accident and subsequently underwent back surgery. Between the accident and the surgery 10 years passed, which included the plaintiff being incarcerated and assaulted in prison.

  • Neck & Back Injuries $300,000

    Plaintiff, while operating a motor vehicle, was sideswiped by a livery car causing her to sustain soft tissue non-fracture injuries to her neck and back. The insurance company refused to settle this case and the matter was ultimately adjudicated before a Bronx County jury. The result was a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the amount of $300,000.



What You Can Expect From Our Firm
  • Client-Centered Approach

    For us, it is not about the money. We genuinely care about our clients and will do everything we can to make them whole after an injury. 

  • Personalized Legal Solutions

    Our firm is dedicated to providing you with undivided attention, as well as to tailoring our approach to your particular needs.

  • Access to Experts

    To give your case every possible chance of success, we enlist the most qualified experts, specialists and investigators on your behalf.

  • Maximized Recoveries

    We don't only strive for victory; we also take all conceivable steps in order to maximize the recovery that you deserve.

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